Would YOU like to know how to harmonize with Winter?

Join us for a FREE 30 minute chat with Jiao Shi, a physician with over two and a half decades of experience. He will be discussing 2 winter fruits to harmonize and hydrate you!

Are you ready to learn about the Ancient Chinese Winter?

Nourishing life according to the seasons as they unfold is one of the oldest forms of prevention. Aligning with the 24 solar terms leads to balance and harmony, the primary sources of well-being.

“The three months of winter are the period in which everything is closed and stored. Water freezes and the earth cracks, so that Yang remains dormant not to be disturbed. It is desirable to sleep early and get up late, to await the arrival of sunlight, so that the will remains dormant as if hiding or pretending, not unlike someone with private intentions, not unlike someone with all his desires already fulfilled. In, winter, one should avoid cold and remain warm and refrain from perspiring so that Yang energy will not be frequently attacked by cold energy.

This is the way of nourishing life in response to the energy of winter. To act to the contrary will cause injuries to the kidneys and one will suffer weakened limbs in spring, because he is bound to be short of energy to cope with the spring. To live against the trends of winter energy will lead to an inability of little Yin to store which brings about a descending of kidneys energy.”

– 黃帝內經 Haungdi Neijing Su Wen (≈ 200 B.C.)



Jiao Shi

Kamal Polite, A.P. DOM is the founder of OHO Seminars and developer of The Body Type System™. He is a Board Certified Acupuncture Physician and Master Herbalist with over 26 years of experience, specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Jiao Shi (Teacher) has been educating physicians, individuals, families, and whole communities on how to create a sustainable and healthy lifestyle for themselves through prevention. He is the lead presenter for OHO Seminars, Chief Herbaceutical Engineer for Si Jin Bao, as well as a notable speaker.

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Don't miss out on this great opportunity to meet with our expert Jiao Shi.
BONUS Q&A session to follow. See you there!

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