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Harmonizing Your Training Subscription

Customized Exercise Regime

The Harmonizing Your Training™ 100 day subscription includes a step by step instructional video with your Body Type Exercise. It was designed for people interested in discovering what exercise regime is most beneficial for their Body Type™. The video will give sets of exercises to reinforce and motivate the spark within you.

Prevention happens through education.

Bring balance to your body through coordinated breathing exercises specifically developed for your Body Type.


Take advantage of this amazing bundle for optimal wellness and prevention.

Course Curriculum

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    Welcome to Harmonizing Your Training!

    • Water Yin - The Giver



The Body Type excercise is my go to exercise. I do them in the morning and before I go to bed. Whenever I am upset, stressed, emotional, or just need some clarity during the day – I take some time to do them and I gain perspective again. These are life changing – just the simple breathing and movements grounds me. I don’t know where I would be without them.


emotion, stress, worry, sadness, anxiety, headache, backache, toothache, heartache – you name it – my Body Type exercises take care of everything – no exaggeration – and the effects get better with time – i have been doing Harmonizing Your Training with The Body Type System for several years – i cannot describe to you what solid quality care and energy boost these provide – your commitment is a must though!


i was dragging my feet a bit this morning. the whole of the head was sort of dry & stuffy & just the whole of the inner body was as if aching. i did my earth yang exercise, just 10 movements & voila. these exercises never stop amazing me. i mean it took seconds before i clearly experienced my body return back to normal. i was no longer dry & hot inside; i literally felt my body temp balance itself back to neutral, i felt internally stronger, i could continue on with my day. how??!! LOL just thank you


The Body Type exercise is great. I tell people all the time it can be done anywhere…i can attest to that as I have done my exercise in the bathroom in the airport many times as the process of flying is stressful .SO once I make it to the gate I find a bathroom, do my exercise and am much calmer.

R. L.

i was having a strong headache earlier today; laid down hoping that will take care of it; woke up with it still present; took the time; focused & relaxed; lol …. did my upset-reset exercise and breathing; the headache eased up during the exercises; it has now been a couple of hours; it is gone!! for real! even i am taken by surprise since that was one strong disturbing headache; i couldn’t function … i was thinking … in the past, such a headache would have prompted me to take a pill … where would i have been without the body type system?! for real; what a blessing!?

Laoshi Taj Johnson

This is wonderful! Accurate without hyperbole… Having been engaged in the art for over 30 years, I can attest to its wonderful benefits! Engaging information from the Body Type System along with a gentle,consistent Tai Chi practice is a powerful combination vital, in my opinion for those interested in optimizing their health. And it’s fun!


I have been practicing the Body Type System through Navigating Nutrition & Harmonizing Your Training for over 5 years. I highly recommend it! No need to feel helpless, with the Body Type System you can help yourself! Here’s to a life with no pills, doctors, sickness or pain. Thank you Jiao Shi!

Dr. Cornelia Franz

The information is timeless and valuable. Having the tools to reset yourself and the correct food choices is amazing…It is a path worth walking!


I have been greatly helped by following my new diet as a Wood/Yang after consulting with Jiao Shi on May 19 of this year. I encounter so many people who are needlessly suffering from illnesses who would so much benefit from the knowledge you have to give.


Years ago I heard about Navigating Nutrition & Harmonizing Your Training with The Body Type System from a relative. At the time I was recovering from breast surgery and decided to try it. I only wish that I was introduced to The Body Type System earlier in life to avoid all of the pain I have caused myself. Thank you for teaching me how to have the energy to celebrate life every day!


Any person looking for health, clarity, and focus in life – and who is willing to put in the work to make that happen.